Faculty Honors and Awards


Michelle Arkin Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award, Gordon Hammel Lectureship
Daniele Canzio Rita Allen Foundation Scholar and Milton E. Cassel Scholar
Yifan Cheng Clarivate 2024 Highly Cited Researchers
Robert Edwards Julius Axelrod Prize given by the Society for Neuroscience
Martin Kampmann Clarivate 2024 Highly Cited Researchers
Nevan Krogan Clarivate 2024 Highly Cited Researchers
Aashish Manglik Byers Award Lecture in Basic Science, Clarivate 2024 Highly Cited Researchers
Brian Shoichet Clarivate 2024 Highly Cited Researchers
Jeannette Tenthorey NIAID New Innovator Award
Peter Walter BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Biology and Biomedicine
Lei Wang NIH Director’s Wednesday Afternoon Lecture
Jim Wells School of Pharmacy Apple Teaching Award


Mustafa Aydogan NIH New Innovator Award
Charles Craik Graduate Division Commencement Lecture, UCB/UCSF Andrew Braisted Award
Michael Grabe School of Pharmacy Apple Teaching Award
Matthew Jacobson School of Pharmacy Apple Teaching Award
Lily Jan Pearl Meister Greengard prize (Co-Recipient with Eve Marder, Brandeis)
Martin Kampmann Ignite Award, Arc Institute
Nevan Krogan Research!America Discovery | Innovation | Health Prize
Brian Shoichet Clarivate Highly Cited Researcher
Katherine Susa NIH Early Independence Award


Daniele Canzio Chan Zuckerberg Biohub Investigator
Fred Chang American Society of Cell Biology Fellow
Jan Christoph NIH New Innovator Award
Hani Goodarzi Chan Zuckerberg Biohub Investigator, NIH Transformative Research Award
David Julius UCSF Medal
Natalia Jura Byers Award Lecture in Basic Science
Martin Kampmann 2022 Rainwater Prize for Outstanding Early Career Scientist, Zenith Fellows Award, Alzheimer's Association
Tanja Kortemme Chan Zuckerberg Biohub Investigator
Nevan Krogan Elected to EMBO (European Molecular Biology Organization), Louis Pasteur Medal 2022, Clarivate Web of Science, Highly Cited Researchers 2020 - ranked in top 1% of citations for field and year
Hao Li Chan Zuckerberg Biohub Senior Investigator
Dan Minor Biophysical Society Fellow
Margaux Pinney NIH Early Independence Awards


David Agard Stein and Moore Award- Protein Society, Distinguished Scientist Award- Microscopy Society of America
Daniele Canzio NIH New Innovator Award
Roger Cooke Biophysical Society Fellow
Bill DeGrado John Scott Award- University of Pennsylvania, Spiers Memorial Award- Royal Society of Chemistry
Sophie Dumont Byers Award Lecture in Basic Science
Stephen Floor PEW Scholar
Hani Goodarzi AACR-MPM Transformative Cancer Research Award
David Julius BBVA Frontiers of Knowledge Award, Nobel Prize in Physiology/Medicine
Nevan Krogan France Legion of Honor, decreed by the President of the French Republic
Geeta Narlikar Election to the National Academy of Sciences
Lei Wang Emil Thomas Kaiser Award- The Protein Society
Leor Weinberger NIH Director’s Transformative Research Award


Yifan Cheng Election to the National Academy of Sciences
Sophie Dumont Chan Zuckerberg Biohub Senior Investigator
Hana El-Samad Election to the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering
James Fraser Byers Award Lecture in Basic Science,
Hani Goodarzi Breast Cancer Alliance Award
Lily Jan Landis Award for Outstanding Mentorship, 20th Perl-UNC Neuroscience Prize Recipient (Co-Recipient with Yuh Nung Jan, UCSF)
David Julius Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences, Elected to the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters (Foreign Member), Kavli Prize in Neuroscience
Nevan Krogan Excellence in Research Award from the Laboratory of Genomics Research (LGR), Clarivate Web of Science, Highly Cited Researchers 2020 - ranked in top 1% of citations for field and year
Kira Poskanzer NSF CAREER Award
Peter Walter National Academy of Inventors, UCSF Lifetime Achievement in Mentoring Award


Yifan Cheng Election to the American Academy of Arts and Science
Seemay Chou PEW Scholar
Tejal Desai Elected to the National Academy of Inventors
Hana El-Samad Byers Award in Basic Science, Kuo Family Endowed Professorship
Hani Goodarzi Mary Kay Foundation Award
David Julius Rosenstiel Basic Medical Sciences Award
Tanja Kortemme Election to the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering
Brian Shoichet Web of Science Top 1% Most Cited Investigators in Fields


Yifan Cheng Christian B. Anfinsen Award, The Protein Society
Sophie Dumont UCSF Outstanding Faculty Mentorship Award
Sophie Dumont WICB Junior Award for Excellence in Research from ASCB
Hani Goodarzi New Directions in Prostate Cancer Research Award
Hani Goodarzi UCSF Catalyst Award
Martin Kampmann Ben Barres Early Career Acceleration Award (Chan Zuckerberg Initiative)
Aashish Manglik PEW Scholar
Andrej Sali Elected to the National Academy of Sciences
Peter Walter Breakthrough Prize in Life Science
Peter Walter Katherine Berkan Judd Award, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Peter Walter van Deenen Medal, Institute of Biomembranes, Utrecht University
Peter Walter National Academy of Medicine (elected Member), National Academy of Medicine


Bo Huang Byers Award in Basic Science
Charles S. Craik American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Hana El-Samad Chan Zuckerberg Biohub Senior Investigator
Hana El-Samad Mindlin Endowed Lecture
Hani Goodarzi AAAS Martin and Rose Wachtel Cancer Research Award
Hani Goodarzi AACR NextGen Award for Transformative Cancer Research
Hani Goodarzi Sidney Kimmel Cancer Foundation Scholar Award
David Julius Canada Gairdner International Award
David Julius Human Frontiers Science Program Nakasone Award
Tanja Kortemme Chan Zuckerberg Biohub Senior Investigator
Brian Shoichet ASBMB DeLano Award for Computational Biosciences


Sophie Dumont Margaret Oakley Dayhoff Award of the Biophysical Society
Sophie Dumont NSF CAREER Award
Tejal Desai National Academy of Medicine
Joe DeRisi National Academy of Medicine
Bo Huang ASCB Early Career Life Scientist Award
Adam Frost HHMI Investigator
Charles S. Craik Protein Society Emil Thomas Kaiser Award
Adam Abate Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers United States Office for Science and Technology Policy


Yifan Cheng HHMI Investigator
Bill DeGrado Stein and Moore Award
Tejal Desai National Academy of Medicine
Martin Kampmann NIH New Innovator
Martin Kampmann  
Allen Distinguished Investigator Award (Paul G. Allen Family Foundation)
Sophie Dumont NIH New Innovator
Joe DeRisi American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Peter Walter Vilcek Prize, Vilcek Foundation
Jim Wells American Academy of Arts and Sciences


Hana El-Samad Cell "40 under 40"
Ron Vale National Academy of Medicine
Matthew Jacobson PharmD Dean's Innovation in Education
David Julius Kenneth S. Cole Award, Biophysical Society
Charles S. Craik National Academy of Inventors
Shawn Douglas Pew Scholar
James Fraser Packard Fellow
James Fraser Pew Scholar
James Fraser Searle Scholars Program
Peter Walter Shaw Prize in Life Science and Medicine
Peter Walter Albert Lasker Basic Medical Research Award
Joseph DeRisi Carty Award for the Advancement of Science - National Academy of Sciences


Hana El-Samad Paul G. Allen Distinguished Investigator
Dyche Mullins HHMI Investigator
Adam Abate NSF CAREER Award
Bill DeGrado National Academy of Inventors
Sophie Dumont Searle Scholars Program
David Julius Paul Janssen Prize for Biomedical Research
Leor Weinberger NIH Pioneer Awards
Hana El Samad Allen Distinguished Investigator Award


Hana El-Samad CSB2 Prize in Systems Biology
Matthew Jacobson QB3 Briding the Gap Award
David Julius Elected to the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies, USA
Ronald Vale Albert Lasker Basic Medical Research Award
Xiaokun Shu NIH New Innovator
Peter Walter Ernst Jung Prize for Medicine, The Jung Foundation
Peter Walter Paul Ehrlich and Ludwig Darmstaedter Prize, Ehrlich Foundation


Hana El-Samad Donald P. Eckman Award for "Novel applications of Control Theory in the analysis and synthesis of complex biological systems"
Bo Huang NIH New Innovator
Daniel Minor Weizmann Institute of Science, Feinberg Visiting Faculty Fellowship
Leor Weinberger Sloan Fellow in Computational Biology
Danica Fujimori NSF CAREER Award
Bo Huang, Danica Fujimori Searle Scholars Program
Peter Walter Otto-Warburg Prize, German Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Peter Walter Glenn Award for Research in Biological Mechanisms of Aging, Glenn Foundation


Bo Huang Packard Fellow
David Julius Elected to the Hungarian Academy of Science (Honorary Member)
David Julius Passano Award
David Julius Prince of Asturias Prize for Technical and Scientific Research
Hiten Madhani Packard Fellow
Daniel Minor Fellow of the American Asthma Foundation
David Julius Shaw Prize in Life Science and Medicine
Danica Fujimori V Scholar Award
Wendell Lim Hans Neurath Award
Robert Fletterick Elected to the National Academy of Sciences


Hana El-Samad Packard Foundation Fellowship
Leor Weinberger NIH New Innovator
Peter Walter Stein and Moore Award
Nevan Krogan Searle Scholars Program
Hana El-Samad Packard Fellow
Nevan Krogan Keck Fellow
Joseph DeRisi Eli Lilly and Company Research Award
Kevan Shokat, Jonathan Weissman Elected to the National Academy of Sciences
Bob Stroud Biophysical Society Anatrace Award
Peter Walter E. B. Wilson Medal


Lei Wang Basil O'Connor Starter Scholar
Lei Wang New Faculty Award, California Institute for Regenerative Medicine
Lei Wang NIH Director's New Innovator Award
Leor Weinberger Pew Scholar
Jonathan Weissman Sackler Prize in Biophysics
Tanja Kortemme NSF CAREER Award
Wendell Lim HHMI Investigator
Joseph DeRisi Heinz Award
Robert Stroud Hans Neurath Award
Ken Dill Elected to the National Academy of Sciences


David Julius Edward M. Scolnick Prize in Neuroscience, McGovern Institute for Brain Research at MIT
David Julius Inaugural Julius Axelrod Prize, Society for Neuroscience
David Julius Unilever Science Prize
David Julius W. Alden Spencer Award, Columbia Univ. Center for Neurobiology & Behavior
Daniel Minor Established Investigator, American Heart Association
Orion Weiner Searle Scholars Program
Christopher Voigt Packard Fellow
Wallace Marshall Keck Fellow
David Agard Elected to the National Academy of Sciences


Lei Wang Beckman Young Investigator
Lei Wang Searle Scholar
Matthew Jacobson UCSF School of Pharmacy Dean’s Recognition for Excellence in Teaching
David Julius Frederick W.L. Kerr Basic Science Research Award, American Pain Society
David Julius International Prize for Translational Neuroscience, Gertrud Reemtsma Foundation, Max Planck Society
Christopher Voigt Pew Scholar
Kevan Shokat Outstanding Mentor Award
Christopher Voigt NSF CAREER Award


David Julius Elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Tanja Kortemme Sloan Fellow in Molecular Biology
Christopher Voigt Sloan Fellow in Computational Biology
Wallace Marshall Searle Scholars Program
Kevan Shokat, Joseph DeRisi HHMI Investigator


Matthew Jacobson Sloan Fellow in Computational Biology
Matthew Jacobson NSF CAREER Award
Joseph DeRisi MacArthur 'Genius' Fellow
David Julius Elected to the National Academy of Sciences, USA
Daniel Minor McKnight Technological Innovations in Neuroscience Award
Jonathan Weissman Irving Sigal Young Investigator Award
Peter Walter Elected to the National Academy of Sciences


David Julius Yngve Zotterman Prize of the Physiological Society, Stockholm, Sweden
James Wells Hans Neurath Award
Robert Stroud Elected to the National Academy of Sciences


Daniel Minor Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow
Daniel Minor Searle Scholars Program
Daniel Minor Beckman Young Investigator Award
Daniel Minor March of Dimes, Basil O'Connor Scholar


Joseph DeRisi Searle Scholars Program
David Julius Inaugural Perl-UNC Prize in Neuroscience, University of North Carolina
Daniel Minor McKnight Scholar in Neuroscience
Daniel Minor Rita Allen Scholar
Kevan Shokat Irving Sigal Young Investigator Award
Ronald Vale Elected to the National Academy of Sciences


Jonathan Weissman HHMI Investigator


Bill DeGrado Elected to the National Academy of Sciences
James Wells Elected to the National Academy of Sciences


David Julius Inaugural Brook Byers Award in Basic Science, UCSF


David Julius Syntex Prize in Receptor Pharmacology
Wendell Lim, Kevan Shokat, Jonathan Weissman Searle Scholars Program
Peter Walter HHMI Investigator


Lily Jan Elected to the National Academy of Sciences
Carol Gross Elected to the National Academy of Sciences


Bob Stroud Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine (United Kingdom), Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences


David Julius March of Dimes Basil O'Conner Research Award
David Julius McKnight Scholar in Neuroscience
David Julius NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award
David Julius PEW Scholar in Biomedical Sciences


Ronald Vale Searle Scholars Program


David Agard HHMI Investigator


Lily Jan HHMI Investigator


Peter Walter Searle Scholars Program


David Agard Searle Scholars Program


John Clements (Emeritus) Elected to the National Academy of Sciences