Preparing scientists to reveal the intricacies of living systems through the application of physics and chemistry
Faculty Honors and Awards
2024 |
Michelle Arkin | Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award, Gordon Hammel Lectureship |
Daniele Canzio | Rita Allen Foundation Scholar and Milton E. Cassel Scholar |
Yifan Cheng | Clarivate 2024 Highly Cited Researchers |
Robert Edwards | Julius Axelrod Prize given by the Society for Neuroscience |
Martin Kampmann | Clarivate 2024 Highly Cited Researchers |
Nevan Krogan | Clarivate 2024 Highly Cited Researchers |
Aashish Manglik | Byers Award Lecture in Basic Science, Clarivate 2024 Highly Cited Researchers |
Brian Shoichet | Clarivate 2024 Highly Cited Researchers |
Jeannette Tenthorey | NIAID New Innovator Award |
Peter Walter | BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Biology and Biomedicine |
Lei Wang | NIH Director’s Wednesday Afternoon Lecture |
Jim Wells | School of Pharmacy Apple Teaching Award |
2023 |
Mustafa Aydogan | NIH New Innovator Award |
Charles Craik | Graduate Division Commencement Lecture, UCB/UCSF Andrew Braisted Award |
Michael Grabe | School of Pharmacy Apple Teaching Award |
Matthew Jacobson | School of Pharmacy Apple Teaching Award |
Lily Jan | Pearl Meister Greengard prize (Co-Recipient with Eve Marder, Brandeis) |
Martin Kampmann | Ignite Award, Arc Institute |
Nevan Krogan | Research!America Discovery | Innovation | Health Prize |
Brian Shoichet | Clarivate Highly Cited Researcher |
Katherine Susa | NIH Early Independence Award |
2022 |
Daniele Canzio | Chan Zuckerberg Biohub Investigator |
Fred Chang | American Society of Cell Biology Fellow |
Jan Christoph | NIH New Innovator Award |
Hani Goodarzi | Chan Zuckerberg Biohub Investigator, NIH Transformative Research Award |
David Julius | UCSF Medal |
Natalia Jura | Byers Award Lecture in Basic Science |
Martin Kampmann | 2022 Rainwater Prize for Outstanding Early Career Scientist, Zenith Fellows Award, Alzheimer's Association |
Tanja Kortemme | Chan Zuckerberg Biohub Investigator |
Nevan Krogan | Elected to EMBO (European Molecular Biology Organization), Louis Pasteur Medal 2022, Clarivate Web of Science, Highly Cited Researchers 2020 - ranked in top 1% of citations for field and year |
Hao Li | Chan Zuckerberg Biohub Senior Investigator |
Dan Minor | Biophysical Society Fellow |
Margaux Pinney | NIH Early Independence Awards |
2021 |
David Agard | Stein and Moore Award- Protein Society, Distinguished Scientist Award- Microscopy Society of America |
Daniele Canzio | NIH New Innovator Award |
Roger Cooke | Biophysical Society Fellow |
Bill DeGrado | John Scott Award- University of Pennsylvania, Spiers Memorial Award- Royal Society of Chemistry |
Sophie Dumont | Byers Award Lecture in Basic Science |
Stephen Floor | PEW Scholar |
Hani Goodarzi | AACR-MPM Transformative Cancer Research Award |
David Julius | BBVA Frontiers of Knowledge Award, Nobel Prize in Physiology/Medicine |
Nevan Krogan | France Legion of Honor, decreed by the President of the French Republic |
Geeta Narlikar | Election to the National Academy of Sciences |
Lei Wang | Emil Thomas Kaiser Award- The Protein Society |
Leor Weinberger | NIH Director’s Transformative Research Award |
2020 |
Yifan Cheng | Election to the National Academy of Sciences |
Sophie Dumont | Chan Zuckerberg Biohub Senior Investigator |
Hana El-Samad | Election to the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering |
James Fraser | Byers Award Lecture in Basic Science, |
Hani Goodarzi | Breast Cancer Alliance Award |
Lily Jan | Landis Award for Outstanding Mentorship, 20th Perl-UNC Neuroscience Prize Recipient (Co-Recipient with Yuh Nung Jan, UCSF) |
David Julius | Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences, Elected to the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters (Foreign Member), Kavli Prize in Neuroscience |
Nevan Krogan | Excellence in Research Award from the Laboratory of Genomics Research (LGR), Clarivate Web of Science, Highly Cited Researchers 2020 - ranked in top 1% of citations for field and year |
Kira Poskanzer | NSF CAREER Award |
Peter Walter | National Academy of Inventors, UCSF Lifetime Achievement in Mentoring Award |
2019 |
Yifan Cheng | Election to the American Academy of Arts and Science |
Seemay Chou | PEW Scholar |
Tejal Desai | Elected to the National Academy of Inventors |
Hana El-Samad | Byers Award in Basic Science, Kuo Family Endowed Professorship |
Hani Goodarzi | Mary Kay Foundation Award |
David Julius | Rosenstiel Basic Medical Sciences Award |
Tanja Kortemme | Election to the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering |
Brian Shoichet | Web of Science Top 1% Most Cited Investigators in Fields |
2018 |
Yifan Cheng | Christian B. Anfinsen Award, The Protein Society |
Sophie Dumont | UCSF Outstanding Faculty Mentorship Award |
Sophie Dumont | WICB Junior Award for Excellence in Research from ASCB |
Hani Goodarzi | New Directions in Prostate Cancer Research Award |
Hani Goodarzi | UCSF Catalyst Award |
Martin Kampmann | Ben Barres Early Career Acceleration Award (Chan Zuckerberg Initiative) |
Aashish Manglik | PEW Scholar |
Andrej Sali | Elected to the National Academy of Sciences |
Peter Walter | Breakthrough Prize in Life Science |
Peter Walter | Katherine Berkan Judd Award, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center |
Peter Walter | van Deenen Medal, Institute of Biomembranes, Utrecht University |
Peter Walter | National Academy of Medicine (elected Member), National Academy of Medicine |
2017 |
Bo Huang | Byers Award in Basic Science |
Charles S. Craik | American Academy of Arts and Sciences |
Hana El-Samad | Chan Zuckerberg Biohub Senior Investigator |
Hana El-Samad | Mindlin Endowed Lecture |
Hani Goodarzi | AAAS Martin and Rose Wachtel Cancer Research Award |
Hani Goodarzi | AACR NextGen Award for Transformative Cancer Research |
Hani Goodarzi | Sidney Kimmel Cancer Foundation Scholar Award |
David Julius | Canada Gairdner International Award |
David Julius | Human Frontiers Science Program Nakasone Award |
Tanja Kortemme | Chan Zuckerberg Biohub Senior Investigator |
Brian Shoichet | ASBMB DeLano Award for Computational Biosciences |
2016 |
Sophie Dumont | Margaret Oakley Dayhoff Award of the Biophysical Society |
Sophie Dumont | NSF CAREER Award |
Tejal Desai | National Academy of Medicine |
Joe DeRisi | National Academy of Medicine |
Bo Huang | ASCB Early Career Life Scientist Award |
Adam Frost | HHMI Investigator |
Charles S. Craik | Protein Society Emil Thomas Kaiser Award |
Adam Abate | Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers United States Office for Science and Technology Policy |
2015 |
Yifan Cheng | HHMI Investigator |
Bill DeGrado | Stein and Moore Award |
Tejal Desai | National Academy of Medicine |
Martin Kampmann | NIH New Innovator |
Martin Kampmann |
Allen Distinguished Investigator Award (Paul G. Allen Family Foundation)
Sophie Dumont | NIH New Innovator |
Joe DeRisi | American Academy of Arts and Sciences |
Peter Walter | Vilcek Prize, Vilcek Foundation |
Jim Wells | American Academy of Arts and Sciences |
2014 |
Hana El-Samad | Cell "40 under 40" |
Ron Vale | National Academy of Medicine |
Matthew Jacobson | PharmD Dean's Innovation in Education |
David Julius | Kenneth S. Cole Award, Biophysical Society |
Charles S. Craik | National Academy of Inventors |
Shawn Douglas | Pew Scholar |
James Fraser | Packard Fellow |
James Fraser | Pew Scholar |
James Fraser | Searle Scholars Program |
Peter Walter | Shaw Prize in Life Science and Medicine |
Peter Walter | Albert Lasker Basic Medical Research Award |
Joseph DeRisi | Carty Award for the Advancement of Science - National Academy of Sciences |
2013 |
Hana El-Samad | Paul G. Allen Distinguished Investigator |
Dyche Mullins | HHMI Investigator |
Adam Abate | NSF CAREER Award |
Bill DeGrado | National Academy of Inventors |
Sophie Dumont | Searle Scholars Program |
David Julius | Paul Janssen Prize for Biomedical Research |
Leor Weinberger | NIH Pioneer Awards |
Hana El Samad | Allen Distinguished Investigator Award |
2012 |
Hana El-Samad | CSB2 Prize in Systems Biology |
Matthew Jacobson | QB3 Briding the Gap Award |
David Julius | Elected to the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies, USA |
Ronald Vale | Albert Lasker Basic Medical Research Award |
Xiaokun Shu | NIH New Innovator |
Peter Walter | Ernst Jung Prize for Medicine, The Jung Foundation |
Peter Walter | Paul Ehrlich and Ludwig Darmstaedter Prize, Ehrlich Foundation |
2011 |
Hana El-Samad | Donald P. Eckman Award for "Novel applications of Control Theory in the analysis and synthesis of complex biological systems" |
Bo Huang | NIH New Innovator |
Daniel Minor | Weizmann Institute of Science, Feinberg Visiting Faculty Fellowship |
Leor Weinberger | Sloan Fellow in Computational Biology |
Danica Fujimori | NSF CAREER Award |
Bo Huang, Danica Fujimori | Searle Scholars Program |
Peter Walter | Otto-Warburg Prize, German Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology |
Peter Walter | Glenn Award for Research in Biological Mechanisms of Aging, Glenn Foundation |
2010 |
Bo Huang | Packard Fellow |
David Julius | Elected to the Hungarian Academy of Science (Honorary Member) |
David Julius | Passano Award |
David Julius | Prince of Asturias Prize for Technical and Scientific Research |
Hiten Madhani | Packard Fellow |
Daniel Minor | Fellow of the American Asthma Foundation |
David Julius | Shaw Prize in Life Science and Medicine |
Danica Fujimori | V Scholar Award |
Wendell Lim | Hans Neurath Award |
Robert Fletterick | Elected to the National Academy of Sciences |
2009 |
Hana El-Samad | Packard Foundation Fellowship |
Leor Weinberger | NIH New Innovator |
Peter Walter | Stein and Moore Award |
Nevan Krogan | Searle Scholars Program |
Hana El-Samad | Packard Fellow |
Nevan Krogan | Keck Fellow |
Joseph DeRisi | Eli Lilly and Company Research Award |
Kevan Shokat, Jonathan Weissman | Elected to the National Academy of Sciences |
Bob Stroud | Biophysical Society Anatrace Award |
Peter Walter | E. B. Wilson Medal |
2008 |
Lei Wang | Basil O'Connor Starter Scholar |
Lei Wang | New Faculty Award, California Institute for Regenerative Medicine |
Lei Wang | NIH Director's New Innovator Award |
Leor Weinberger | Pew Scholar |
Jonathan Weissman | Sackler Prize in Biophysics |
Tanja Kortemme | NSF CAREER Award |
Wendell Lim | HHMI Investigator |
Joseph DeRisi | Heinz Award |
Robert Stroud | Hans Neurath Award |
Ken Dill | Elected to the National Academy of Sciences |
2007 |
David Julius | Edward M. Scolnick Prize in Neuroscience, McGovern Institute for Brain Research at MIT |
David Julius | Inaugural Julius Axelrod Prize, Society for Neuroscience |
David Julius | Unilever Science Prize |
David Julius | W. Alden Spencer Award, Columbia Univ. Center for Neurobiology & Behavior |
Daniel Minor | Established Investigator, American Heart Association |
Orion Weiner | Searle Scholars Program |
Christopher Voigt | Packard Fellow |
Wallace Marshall | Keck Fellow |
David Agard | Elected to the National Academy of Sciences |
2006 |
Lei Wang | Beckman Young Investigator |
Lei Wang | Searle Scholar |
Matthew Jacobson | UCSF School of Pharmacy Dean’s Recognition for Excellence in Teaching |
David Julius | Frederick W.L. Kerr Basic Science Research Award, American Pain Society |
David Julius | International Prize for Translational Neuroscience, Gertrud Reemtsma Foundation, Max Planck Society |
Christopher Voigt | Pew Scholar |
Kevan Shokat | Outstanding Mentor Award |
Christopher Voigt | NSF CAREER Award |
2005 |
David Julius | Elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences |
Tanja Kortemme | Sloan Fellow in Molecular Biology |
Christopher Voigt | Sloan Fellow in Computational Biology |
Wallace Marshall | Searle Scholars Program |
Kevan Shokat, Joseph DeRisi | HHMI Investigator |
2004 |
Matthew Jacobson | Sloan Fellow in Computational Biology |
Matthew Jacobson | NSF CAREER Award |
Joseph DeRisi | MacArthur 'Genius' Fellow |
David Julius | Elected to the National Academy of Sciences, USA |
Daniel Minor | McKnight Technological Innovations in Neuroscience Award |
Jonathan Weissman | Irving Sigal Young Investigator Award |
Peter Walter | Elected to the National Academy of Sciences |
2003 |
David Julius | Yngve Zotterman Prize of the Physiological Society, Stockholm, Sweden |
James Wells | Hans Neurath Award |
Robert Stroud | Elected to the National Academy of Sciences |
2002 |
Daniel Minor | Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow |
Daniel Minor | Searle Scholars Program |
Daniel Minor | Beckman Young Investigator Award |
Daniel Minor | March of Dimes, Basil O'Connor Scholar |
2001 |
Joseph DeRisi | Searle Scholars Program |
David Julius | Inaugural Perl-UNC Prize in Neuroscience, University of North Carolina |
Daniel Minor | McKnight Scholar in Neuroscience |
Daniel Minor | Rita Allen Scholar |
Kevan Shokat | Irving Sigal Young Investigator Award |
Ronald Vale | Elected to the National Academy of Sciences |
2000 |
Jonathan Weissman | HHMI Investigator |
1999 |
Bill DeGrado | Elected to the National Academy of Sciences |
James Wells | Elected to the National Academy of Sciences |
1998 |
David Julius | Inaugural Brook Byers Award in Basic Science, UCSF |
1997 |
David Julius | Syntex Prize in Receptor Pharmacology |
Wendell Lim, Kevan Shokat, Jonathan Weissman | Searle Scholars Program |
Peter Walter | HHMI Investigator |
1995 |
Lily Jan | Elected to the National Academy of Sciences |
Carol Gross | Elected to the National Academy of Sciences |
1992 |
Bob Stroud | Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine (United Kingdom), Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences |
1990 |
David Julius | March of Dimes Basil O'Conner Research Award |
David Julius | McKnight Scholar in Neuroscience |
David Julius | NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award |
David Julius | PEW Scholar in Biomedical Sciences |
1987 |
Ronald Vale | Searle Scholars Program |
1986 |
David Agard | HHMI Investigator |
1984 |
Lily Jan | HHMI Investigator |
1983 |
Peter Walter | Searle Scholars Program |
1982 |
David Agard | Searle Scholars Program |
1974 |
John Clements (Emeritus) | Elected to the National Academy of Sciences |