Life After Biophysics: Lillian Chong, PhD
The following interview is part of our Life After Biophysics series, which helps applicants to our PhD degree program in biophysics understand the kinds of career paths that exist following graduation.
What was your path to starting at UCSF?
I was an undergraduate researcher with Bruce Tidor at MIT and the UCSF biophysics program was one of the graduate programs to which he recommended that I apply.
What made you excited to go to UCSF for graduate school?
From the graduate recruiting weekend, I got the impression that students at UCSF are both passionate about working hard and enjoying life — and I am happy to say that it turned out to be true during my years at UCSF.
Where are you working now?
Since 2006, I have been a faculty member in the Chemistry Department at the University of Pittsburgh.
How are you using what you learned in Biophysics?
My research is in the area of computational biophysics.
UCSF alumna Lillian Chong, PhD, right.
What is a memorable story about your time at UCSF?
UCSF Outdoors Programs with fellow classmates.
Go to the series: Life After Biophysics